(ABOLITION.) Notice for the first annual Boston celebration of the abolition of the slave trade,
$800 - $1,200
Live Auction
Printed & Manuscript African Americana
(ABOLITION.) Notice for the first annual Boston celebration of the abolition of the slave trade, in an issue of the Columbian Centinel. 4 pages, 20¼ x 13½ inches, on one folding sheet; horizontal fold, uncut, stitch holes, minimal wear; subscriber's name inked above masthead.
Boston, 16 July 1808
Records the first celebration of what became an annual event: "On Thursday last, the African and colored people of this town celebrated by appropriate religious exercises, the late Abolition of the Slave Trade by governments of the United States, Great Britain and Denmark. They assembled in Elliott Street, and moved in a procession consisting of about 200 persons, with a band of music, to the African Meeting-House in West Boston. . . . The deportment of the audience during the divine service was devout and solemn. The Africans and colored people dined together after divine services."
Boston, 16 July 1808
Records the first celebration of what became an annual event: "On Thursday last, the African and colored people of this town celebrated by appropriate religious exercises, the late Abolition of the Slave Trade by governments of the United States, Great Britain and Denmark. They assembled in Elliott Street, and moved in a procession consisting of about 200 persons, with a band of music, to the African Meeting-House in West Boston. . . . The deportment of the audience during the divine service was devout and solemn. The Africans and colored people dined together after divine services."